onsdag 8 april 2009

Good music to listen on spotify!

Some music for You! (You need the program Spotify which u can stream music on - get it at spotify.com. It's both for free - but with advertisment and for ca 10 euro without adds. It's leagal easy and fun! And a big + is the number of the tracks they have on it! )

If u wanna listen on cutting edge music on spotify click here!

And if you like christian music, here's a spotify playlist for You!

Unknown - but good -artists:
The Fallout trust - In case of the flood -  spotify link. They make Radiohead-esque music and are also from the British isle's! They are also on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/thecorrectionsband Looks like they've changed their band name to The Corrections band! Still really good music!

And here's a playlist with Moya Brennan witch is Enya's sister!

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